The simplest way of giving and the most beneficial, is to give a tax-deductible cash donation. You have the ability to specify which program(s) you wish to support or you may designate money for special projects/funds. Print our donation form to include with your donation or donate via the PayPal form above or Square Pay for Apple and Google Payment Options here:
You can also help by donating items on our Wish List. You will receive a written acknowledgment of your donation on which you may place a monetary value. Your donation is tax deductible.
TSLI/HHB holds a Human Services Award Dinner which honors a private sector individual who, through his or her often unheralded efforts and contributions, have significantly advanced the interests of the disabled and disenfranchised. This yearly event is held on the third Thursday in November. Various giving levels are available.
An important part of our fund raising dinner is a Silent Auction. Guests bid on donated items and the proceeds go to our programs. You can help by donating a prize. Some examples are: gift certificates to restaurants; limousine services; tickets to shows and sporting events; vacation time in a condominium or time-share; jewelry; electronic items; etc.
Another great way to help is to conduct a donation drive. Asking your co-workers, friends, and family or club members to donate a few items is an easy way to contribute without spending a lot of time. Items that are always needed (and greatly appreciated) can be found on our Wish List.
Examples of helpful gift cards

Priority Items
Scarves, Hats, Gloves — Adult and Children’s Sizes
Shoes/ Socks/ Underwear — Adult and Children’s Sizes
Infant Formula (all kinds), Crib Sheets and Baby Blankets
Diapers (all sizes), wipes and baby bottles
Toddler Toothpaste/ toothbrushes
Toys/ Birthday/ Holiday Items
Batteries (AA, AAA)
Alarm Clocks
Cosmetics (blush, mascara, lipstick, etc.)
Personal Hygiene Items (deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, etc.)
Laundry Detergent/ Fabric Softener
Personal Items: Scarves, Hats, Gloves, Belts, Socks, Portable CD Players/ Radios/Alarm Clocks, Cosmetics (blush, mascara, lipstick, etc.), Personal Hygiene Items (deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, soap etc.), Laundry Detergent/Fabric Softener.
Supplies: Duffle Bags/Backpacks, Books, Blankets, CD’s/DVD’s, Umbrellas, Storage Containers.
Supplies: Blankets/Comforters, Sheets/Pillowcases/Pillows, Dish/Laundry Detergent, Toilet paper, Paper towels, Towels/Washcloths, Garbage Bags, Cleaning Products, Non-Perishable Food
Personal Care Items: Shampoo/conditioner, Deodorant, Toothpaste, Shaving kits, Soap, Women’s Hygiene Items.
Baby Items: Infant formula, Crib sheets/bumpers, Diapers, Bottles, Food, Wipes, Toddler toothbrushes/toothpaste.
For All Ages: Scarves, Hats, Gloves/Mittens, Shoes/Socks/Underwear, Toys/Holiday items.
Gently Used: Small appliances: dust busters, irons, vacuums, TV/DVD Players, Stereos, Furniture, Rugs, Lamps, Patio Furniture, Cooking Utensils: Pots/Pans, Air Conditioners/Ceiling Fans.
We receive so many donations from generous companies & other non-profits. All of these items go directly to both TSLI and HHB residents. Monetary donations we use to lessen costs for resident events such as going to a Baseball Game, Fire Island day trip, Spring Fling etc…