Homeless Prevention Rental Assistance

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Our Approach

The HHB Homeless Prevention Program assists individuals and families with maintaining or obtaining permanent housing. Prevention staff provide guidance to increase self-sufficiency and assist with housing stability. Staff assist with not only securing housing, but ensure that this housing can be maintained following graduation.

Eligibility Requirements

Individuals/families may be eligible who meet the following preliminary criteria:

  • Suffolk County residency
  • At-Risk of Homelessness or Homeless status. Please note, individuals/families residing in Emergency Housing or who are street homeless are not eligible for the program
  • Meet 30{704a922cc8f89d02c2cbdfe2fdc1c091712a728b68ebb7700e50e3887841bb87} Area Median Income (AMI) for household

Eligibility is substantiated throughout the referral process and documentation will be required to verify the information reported.

Program Services

Accepted participants may be eligible for financial assistance including rental arrears, short-term rental assistance, utility arrears, moving costs and Security Deposits.

Once accepted, individuals are enrolled in Case Management services. Staff assist with obtaining employment, benefits advocacy, establishing community linkages, tenant rights education and obtaining alternative housing.

The program was established in October 2019 and is funded through the NYS OTDA Solutions to End Homelessness Program (STEHP) grant.


To Complete a Referral

To complete a referral, please contact the office to complete a phone screening. See contact information below.

Calling all Landlords

Community landlords are a vital part of the Prevention Programs success. If you have an apartment for rent, please contact the program to discuss your housing opportunity.

Program participants may be eligible for rental assistance for up to 24-months in a 36-month period. Apartments must be located in Suffolk County, follow Fair Market Rent (FMR) guidelines and pass a Housing Inspection.


2021 Graduate

“This program is amazing. Not only do they help you financially to not lose your home but educate you on your rights and help you be financially stable.”


Phone: 631.231.4706
Fax: 631.231.4754
Email: homelessprevention@tsli-hhb.org

Our Impact in Action

From January to December 2020 there were 237 Referrals

23 households comprised of 61 individuals received assistance

  • 4 households obtained governmental benefits through the Social Security Administration and Department of Social Services
  • 4 households obtained employment
  • 6 households successfully obtained permanent housing
  • 12 households were assisted with maintaining their current housing

14 households graduated the program

  • 8 maintained the housing they had at the time of acceptance
  • 3 obtained alternative Permanent Housing
  • 3 miscellaneous outcomes